Bulbophyllum arfackianum alba one of the best available NBS $75.00
Bulbophyllum beccarii* The best we have ever received of this awesome species. Most have 2 good size leaves with Good roots new growth starting Sadly these frozen in shipping and hope to get them in in the late spring. VERY LIMITED BS $325.00
Bulbophyllum binnendjikii finally nice plants available awesome species Sadly these froze in shipping and hope to get them in in the late spring. BS $175.00
Bulbophyllum cruentum Not easy to grow but worth the try. Deep wine flowers around the base of the bulbs. NBS $100.00
Bulbophallum contortisepalum yellow form of above twists towards the bottom BS $85.00
Bulbophyllum fascinator semi alba BS $75.00
Bulbophyllum frostii ---> red spotted blooms in a pair like little boots, cute BS $55.00
<--- Bulbophyllum grandeflorum Finally back again Large golden yellow flowers. BS $55.00
Bulbophyllum graveolens spectaculuar Bulbo bright yellow and red flowers Still small seedlings rarely offered. The price will go up as they get to NBS $65.00
Bulbophyllum imbricatum BS $75.00
Bulbophyllum kubahense Finally back again and limited. These too froze in shipping to me. NBS/BS $300.00
Bulbophyllum leminscatodes awesome flower blooms after it drops foliage. BS $65.00
Bulbophyllum longiflorum NEW beautiful large unbels tan with dark spots. BS $65.00
<--- Bulbophyllum longissimum awesome 10 inch long flowers pink form BS $75.00
Bulbopyhllum maximum another of the snake like black rachis with creamy flowers along both sides blooming one after the other really a nice one. BS $65.00
Bulbophyllum medusae awesome white hairy blooms large showy clumps. NICE BS $65.00
Bulbophyllum orthsephalum awesome species one of my all time favorites NBS $250.00
Bulbophyllum oxypterum yellow and black flowers open consecutively on rachis BS $65.00
Bulbophyllum phalaenopsis* The KING of Bulbophyllums can get foliage up to 6 feet. Clusters of weird reddish fuzzy flowers fly pollinated. Large seedlings $125.00
Bulbophyllum purpureorchachis* NEW beautiful plants of this great species BS $250.00